Macrame Pumpkin - Digital PDF and Knot Guide
Introducing our digital PDF Knot Guide! This product offers you instant access to two versions of the guide: a Device Version that can be downloaded and viewed on any of your electronic devices, and an A4 Printing Version that can be downloaded and printed at your convenience. Please note that this product is NOT a physical print and will not be mailed to you.
- Level: Beginner++
- Size: 8cm (3") x 10cm (4")
- Format: Written PDF + Knots Guide (ENGLISH)
- Units of measurement: Metric (cm) & Imperial (inch)
This pattern includes:
- Basic Knots Guide
- Detailed tools and materials.
- Written step-by-step photos and detailed instructions on how to complete the project.
Here are the table of content in this PDF Guide:
1. Gathering Knot
2. Horizontal Double Half Hitch - Left to Right
3. Vertical Double Half Hitch - Left to Right
4. Reverse Lark’s Head Knot
5. Project: Macrame Pumpkin - Tools and Materials
6. Project: Macrame Pumpkin - Knots Used
7. Project: Macrame Pumpkin - Preparation
8. Project: Macrame Pumpkin - Instructions
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